Revolting Cocks Big Sexy Land

twenty ninth of may, 1985
a day like everyday
38 38 there were 38
there were 38
38 38 there were 38
there were 38
use a tape-recorder and remember
who watch, who watch
[?] tribes like everywhere
fighting for your pleasure
so why do you cry?
when it happens everyday
38 38 there were 38
38 38 there were 38
i don´t need amounts of meetings
decisions? conversations
to know from worse coming know, to know
i don´t need a amounts of meetings
you know from worse coming this responsibility
38 38 there were 38 (x3)
38 38 aaah! there were 38
38 38 there were 38
there were 38
38 38 there were 38
there were 38
38 38 (x3)
there were 38
38 38 there were 38
don´t be ashamed, don´t be ashamed
you´re living in this world
38 38 there were 38
it happens everywhere
we shall cleanse the world
do it! do it!
do it!
it started so quick
we had no time to think about it
think about it
cross the city very fast
cross the city very fast
very fast, i said very fast
we got a mission
do-do-do it!
do it! do it!
do it! do it!
cross the city very fast
no time to lose, no time to lose
cross the city very fast
you're the only driver who can do it
just do-do it
they shall cleanse the world so
what do you think about it?
first one, she sang: you gotta do us [?]
eyes behind the windows
in every building every room
they´re waiting for you
on a mission
and this could be your last mission
this could it be your last mission in this world?
don´t let them take her off your eyes!
cross the city very fast
very, very fast
don´t let them [?] alive!
no secrets, no devotion anymore
no secrets, no devotion anymore, anymore
the voice of god!
the voice of god!
the voice of god means nothing, anymore!
no devotion, no sacrifice
no devotion, no sacrifice
no secrets for you and me?
no devotion, no secrets, no sacrifice, no sacrifice! anymore!
lets burn the devil
lets burn the temple of misery
lets burn the temple
lets burn the [?]
no devotion
no sacrifice anymore!
no devotion
no secrets no devotion anymore
no secrets, no devotion anymore anymore
the voice of god!
the voice of god!
the voice of god means nothing, anymore
no devotion anymore
no temple dances
no temple dances
no no no
no sacrifice anymore
no secrets for you and me
no secrets for you and me
we don't need this anymore
the voice of god means nothing, anymore
can you hear me?
the voice of god means nothing, anymore
no anymore...
devotion anymore.
devotion anymore.