The Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Taste Tablature
These are NOT official tabs! All tabs are provided by members of our community. If you see any problems with the tabs we have presented please send us your version! You can PM them directly to me on our Forum under the username Krowe. I will go over them as well as a few other people and if we agree with your changes we will post them and credit you with it. Also, if you can tab out any of the various other instruments used on Ministry albums (like keyboards, synths, drums, harmonica, mandolin, saxophone or whatever) please send those in as well! Eventually we plan to branch this out to cover as much tablature as we can get for the band and people who wish to play their material. If you want to quickly come back to the top of the page just click on a song title.

Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Taste Tabs | ||||
01. Thieves | Guitar | Bass | ||
02. Burning Inside | Guitar | Bass | ||
03. Never Believe | Guitar | Bass | ||
04. Cannibal Song | Guitar | Bass | ||
05. Breathe | Guitar | Bass | ||
06. So What | Guitar | Bass | ||
07. Test | Guitar | Bass | ||
08. Faith Collapsing | Guitar | Bass | ||
09. Dream Song | Guitar | Bass |
The Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Taste Guitar Tabs
01. Thieves
Tuning : Standard (E, A, D, G, B, E) I know this has been posted before, but it didn't sound quite right to me. This is how I play it and it sounds much closer, in my opinion. Tabbed by Tom Mallon INTRO/VERSE RIFF pm.......... pm............ E |----------------------------------------| B |----------------------------------------| G |.--------------------------------------.| D |.---------------3----------------------.| A |----------------3-----------------------| E |--00000000000---1-------000000000000----| CHORUS RIFF 1 pm............... E |---------------------| B |---------------------| G |.-------------------.| D |.-------------------.| A |---0-1-0-1-0-1-0-3---| E |---------------------| CHORUS RIFF 2 pm........ E |-----------| B |-----------| G |.---------.| D |.---------.| A |--3-2-1-0--| E |-----------|
02. Burning Inside
Tuning : Standard (E, A, D, G, B, E) The timing on these two riffs is the same, I just spaced it out to fit those palm-muted A's in. For chorus, when Al is screaming "Burning inside!" Play the tail end of the VERSE riff, but sped up. Tabbed by Tom Mallon INTRO RIFF pm. E |----------------------| B |----------------------| G |.--------------------.| D |.--------------------.| A |-----------------x----| E |--x---5---x--x--------| VERSE E -------------------------------------------------------------------------- B -------------------------------------------------------------------------- G ---------------------------------------------/8-7------------------------- D ----8-7------8-7------8-7------8-7--7---5----/8-7-8-7--------------------- A ----8-7------8-7------8-7------8-7--7---5----/6-5-8-7--------------------- E ----6-5------6-5------6-5------6-5--5---3---------6-5--------------------- VERSE 2 (Play VERSE, then play) pm........ pm........ pm........ E -------------------------------------------------------------------------- B -------------------------------------------------------------------------- G ---------------------------------------------------------/8-7------------- D -8-7-----------8-7-----------8-7-----------8-7--7---5----/8-7-8-7--------- A -8-7-0-0-0-0-0-8-7-0-0-0-0-0-8-7-0-0-0-0-0-8-7--7---5----/6-5-8-7--------- E -6-5-----------6-5-----------6-5-----------6-5--5---3---------6-5---------
03. Never Believe
Tuning : Standard (E, A, D, G, B, E) There is a solo, but I'm not good with those. If anyone can figure it out, please upload it. Tabbed by Tom Mallon VERSE E |-------------------------| B |-------------------------| G |.-------------------/10-.| D |.-2-----8-----2----/10-.| A |--2-----8-----2----/8---| E |--0-----6-----0---------|
04. Cannibal Song
There is no guitar in this song; just bass, drums, and saxophones.
05. Breathe
Tuning : Standard (E, A, D, G, B, E) Tabbed by Tom Mallon VERSE pm.. E |-------------------------------------| B |-------------------------------------| G |-------------7-------------7---------| D |--2--2-------7----2--2-----7---------| A |--2--2-------5----2--2-----5---------| E |--0--0--0-0-------0--0---------------| BRIDGE E |-------------------------------| B |-------------------------------| G |.-7------3---/---7------3---.| D |.-7------3---/---7------3---.| A |--5------1---/---5------1----| E |-------------------------------|
06. So What
Still looking for a good tab for this.
07. Test
Tuning : Standard (E, A, D, G, B, E) Play all chords in bridge with a staccato rhythm. Tabbed by Tom Mallon MAIN RIFF E |-------------------------------------| B |-------------------------------------| G |.------------/9-9----------------9--.| D |.--5----2----/9-9-----5-5---2----9--.| A |---5----2----/7-7-----5-5---2----7---| E |---3----0-------------3-3---0--------| BRIDGE E |-----------------------------| B |-----------------------------| G |.---------------------------.| D |.-2--2--2--2-3-2--2--2--2-3-.| A |--2--2--2--2-3-2--2--2--2-3--| E |--0--0--0--0-1-0--0--0--0-1--|
08. Faith Collapsing
There is no guitar in this song; just bass, drums, and samples.
09. Dream Song
This song is pretty much all keyboards and drum noises.
The Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Taste Bass Tabs
01. Thieves
Tuning : Standard E (E,A,D,G) Make sure to read the notes throughout the song! Tabbed by Anonymous Intro - You don't have to play the repeated part but I do for fun. You must slide down from the 10th fret though in unison with the guitar. palm mute the 7's x8 G|-------------------------------------------------------|------| D|*-----------------------------------------------------*|------| A|*-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-8---7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-*|-10\--| E|-------------------------------------------------------|------| Verse x4 G|--------------------|----------------|------| D|*-------------------|---------------*|------| A|*-------7-----------|------7--------*|-10\--| E|--0--0----0--0-0--1-|-0--0---0--0-0--|------| Verse x3 then G|-------------------|------------------------| D|-------------------|------------------------| A|-------7-----------|------7-----------------| E|-0--0----0--0-0--1-|-0--0---0--0-0--1b-hold-| Chorus x15 x4 x2 x4 G|-------------------|-----------|-------------------|-----------| D|*-----------------*|*---------*|*-----------------*|*---------*| A|*-----------------*|*---------*|*-----------------*|*---------*| E|--0-0-0-1-0-0-0-3--|--0-3-2-1--|--0-0-0-1-0-0-0-3--|--0-3-2-1--| x18 x4 x2 x4 G|-------------------|-----------|-------------------|-----------| D|*-----------------*|*---------*|*-----------------*|*---------*| A|*-----------------*|*---------*|*-----------------*|*---------*| E|--0-0-0-1-0-0-0-3--|--0-3-2-1--|--0-0-0-1-0-0-0-3--|--0-3-2-1--| x10 G|-------------------|----------| D|*-----------------*|----------| A|*-----------------*|----------| E|--0-0-0-1-0-0-0-3--|-0-1bhold-| Intro x4 including slide down from 10th fret. Verse x4 including slide down from 10th fret. Verse x4 with bend and hold at first fret. Whole Chorus sequence. Outro x4 G|------------------------------|------| D|*----------------------------*|------| A|*----------------------------*|------| E|--0-0-0-1-0-0-0-3-0--0-0-0-1--|-1--0-|
02. Burning Inside
Tuning : Standard E (E,A,D,G) This is my first tab. It's an easy song and I may be overcomplicating it. Just listen to the song. It's really not hard to play by ear. Tabbed by Krowe Verse x8 G|--------------------------------------| D|*------------------------------------*| A|*------------------------------6-----*| E|--6-5----6-5----6-5----6-5---3---6-5--| First Chorus "Burning inside, burning inside..." x2 G|---------------------------------------------------| D|*-------7-------7-5-----------7-------------------*| A|*-------------------7-----------------------6-----*| E|---6-5------6-5----------6-5------6-5-5-5-3---6-5--| Verse x8 Second Chorus "Burning inside, burning inside, burning inside...." x8 G|---------------| D|*-------------*| A|*---------6---*| E|--5-5-5-3---6--| Verse x8 Second Chorus x8 Fill G|------------------------------| D|------------------------------| A|------------------------------| E|--5-3-------------------------| Hold/sustain this. Feedback if you can pull it off. Verse x3 Second Chorus x15 Verse x2 then repeat Verse to fade out
03. Never Believe
04. Cannibal Song
05. Breathe
06. So What
Tuning : Standard E (E,A,D,G) First bass enters with the slide. Then it goes on forever, alternating between riff 1 and 2. Then in the middle of the track it stops and then enters with the slide again, etc. Tabbed by Gila intro |-----| |-----| |-10\-| |-----| riff 1 x55 |---------------------------------| |---------------------------------| |---------------------------------| |-0-0-0-7-7-7-6-6-6-3-3-3-5-5-3-5-| Break for 4 riffs Play Riff 1/2 x14 to fade riff 2 |---------------------------------| |---------------------------------| |---------------------------------| |-0-0-0-7-7-7-6-6-6-3-3-3-5-5-3-3-|
07. Test
08. Faith Collapsing
Tuning : Standard E (E,A,D,G) One riff. Repeat Infinitely. Tabbed by Anonymous Verse xWhatever G|--------------------------------------------| D|*-2----------------------------------------*| A|*------------------------------------------*| E|----0-0-0-0-2-0-3-0-2-3--0-0-0-0-2-0-3-0-2--|
09. Dream Song